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 地緣政治---中國人應該有自信  航機機艙水樣本超標的調查進展


歐盟駐 港澳辦公室正式回應了我們學院和協會的查詢,歐盟駐港澳辦公室正式並通過官方郵件回信,並證明SCAE不是由歐盟“官方認可認證機構”,也不是歐盟成員的教育部認可的教育發証書及認證機構。

因此,SCAE 簽發的證書和文憑都不具有
歐盟 官方認可認證正式的學歷身份地位
通過用商業授權系統程序,代理他們發出紙製紙證書 ; 使他們帶來可觀的業務收入!

SCAE 簽發的證書及文憑課程體系和水平,檔次,並不意味著 ; 在具有任何官方認可認證正式的系統; 並不意味著 SCAE 在具有國際標準歐盟官方認可認證正式的結構格式的證書及文憑課程體系

European Union Office to Hong Kong and Macao officially replied to our Academy & Association, and, certified by official email reply, and, testified SCAE is not an "Officially Recognised" body by EU.


Dear Mr Yuen,


Thank you for your enquiry and apologies for the delay in responding.


SCAE is not "officially" "recognised" by the European Union.  Nor do they claim to be, from what I see in their website.  SCAE is a sector-specific association/lobbying agency (there are hundreds of the sort in Europe, representing many sectors across the economy) .  SCAE may interact with the European Union institution, but that does not mean it is "officially recognised".


By the same token,  in my understanding the SCAE diplomas are not "officially recognized by EU Authority as a formal educational system and officially accepted and certified/recognized by EU members’ Universities and educational ministries".


All of the above is in no way a negative judgment passed on SCAE, its activities and its diplomas.


I hope this is useful to your purposes


Best regards




Alessandro Paolicchi  鮑歷奇


Head of Trade section
European Union Office to Hong Kong and Macao
20/F, St.John's Building, 33 Garden Road, Central, Hong Kong

   Office (+852) 2230 5603 or Mobile (+852) 92669467





--- Mr. Barry YUEN was invited by Rotaract Club of HKUST, HKUSTSU (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology 香港科技大學學生會科大扶輪青年服務團會)  for the annual dinner & speech on 27th March, 2013.


Group photo of all guest-speakers at the event.

Speech :




NEW COURSES : 立體農業地緣政治經濟產業化課程將於2013年1;5;7;9;11月中旬開課。


中環大會堂高座七楼南座演講會議室; 逢週日下午2時至4時 ( Finished )




聖 雅 各 福 群 會 延 續 教 育 中 心 ( New courses will be announced soon for enrollment )


3-Dimensional Agro-Geopolitical Economic Courses will be commenced on mid-Jan.,/May/July/Sept./Nov., 2013 and courses' time table & venue as below:

Course Venue & Schedule as follows:

VENUE : 7th floor lecture room of the South Block, Central City Hall High Wing, Hong Kong Island.

Sundays of Mid-Jan., to Feb., 2013

From 2:00pm to 4:00pm




Coffee Documentary & Films: 

Coffee Tea Academy Documentary International Version

咖啡茶學院國際版本紀錄片 :

中國版      CHINA Version   :  ;


( You are advised to play those films by Firefox browser )
Coffee is crucial to the economies and politics of many developing countries; for many of the world's Least Developed Countries, exports of coffee account for a substantial part of their foreign exchange earnings.

  • 阮森洋先生是一位國際知名的咖啡專家,擁有自己的咖啡園和經營咖啡業務;


  • 他在Italian Coffee  Academy 舉辦的Master Class Training of Espresso Cupping & Blending & International Coffee Competition的國際比賽中取得最高成績和得分 (Italian Coffee  Academy)是全球高級義大利式精品咖啡沖調技術及訓練的鼻祖;
  • 2007年初于聯合國大會為全球化咖啡產業界提出前瞻性全球農牧及咖啡業之可持續經濟效益之發展潛力與地緣政治及策略分析
  • 2007年獲印度政府工商部;印度咖啡工業總會及印度商會之邀請于印度咖啡之都班加羅市舉辦之印度咖啡咖啡產業界提出前瞻性及市場策略分析演講會。印度政府工商部長及聯合國國際咖啡組織總裁臺主持大會。
  • 阮先生被邀為 2008-2011年泰國公開咖啡師及
  • 2009年澳洲咖啡供應商主辦之咖啡師大賽及
  • 2002年全港第一屆香港公開咖啡沖調師比賽大會評判 (該比賽是由香港飲食博覽及香港主要咖啡供應商、酒店和獨立咖啡專門店舉辦及協辦);城中現今咖啡達人Felix Wong 先生當年亦是参賽者之一 ; 榮獲亞軍。


  • 阮森洋先生于2005年榮獲聯合國教科文組織CID-UNESCO總裁邀請成為正式官方會員(Individual Official Member of CID-UNESCO);同年于希臘雅典名城太陽神殿下之聯合國教科文組織CID-UNESCO總裁辦事處由聯合國教科文組織CID-UNESCO總裁親自頒授會員證明書、邀請函及會員胸襟勳章。
  • 阮森洋 BarryYUEN 先生與聯合國教科文組織CID-UNESCO總裁辦事處幹事及2004年雅典奥林匹克運動會開幕禮表演主角一同工餘合照。       

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